Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Coconut Gooey Bars

Im sorry in advance for how good these are going to turn out and how little you are going to care about your healthy eating once these reach your taste buds. My advice to you is to take them to work, give them to a neighbor, or make them for a party that you are hosting, so you won't have time to sit down and devour 5-10 of these at once. Yes. They are that good, and I am a little impressed with myself. These bars are gluten free and dairy free and can easily be made vegan with one quick change! Also, this is one of those recipes where you cannot tell that they are made with alternative ingredients. Logan brought them to work and no one knew, and I gave them to my neighbors and didn't even mention it! haha I just like proving to the world (or really myself) that even though my diet can be pretty restrictive when I go out to eat, I can make almost anything fit within the realm of my food allergies, I just have to get creative! Now, you can make these with all normal ingredients as well, and use the same conversions!

Disclaimer: These are not healthy, they are just allergy friendly! Gluten free does not mean healthier in most cases, just in case someone tried to convince you that it did. 

I hope you enjoy these yummy treats! This preggo gives them a 5 start review! 

Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Coconut Gooey Bars

Blaine MenkeComment