Paleo Breakfast Hash


I'm going to let you guys in on a secret. I cook blog worthy meals almost every single day, and I my fatal flaw is that I don't take the time to take a 'cute' picture of it. This recipe is honestly no exception...I'm going to admit right here and now that this picture was taken on my last bowl of leftovers with this recipe...the hunger of pregnancy overcomes the need for my food to look pretty in a picture. So in this picture of example, it looks a little lack luster. It really is stupid considering how easy that last step is...but for some reason I am just not in the habit of that very last step. The recipe I am posting today is actually one I have made 1/2 a dozen times and one that I really love! I whipped it up today to use as my lunch/snack/second lunch for the week. What are meals when you are growing a human? Anyway....I love sweet and savory flavors and this is the perfect recipe for that taste bud happy dance! I have this under the breakfast section of the blog, but in reality I will eat it whenever my soul desires. I love breakfast foods for all meals of the day, and when I debuted this recipe, I made it for dinner! This recipe was also the first time I worked with plantains, which are SO good and have less sweetness than a banana. Not only is this a yummy recipe, but it's also extremely easy and the process pretty much includes chopping and a skillet. 

Also, recipe hack: you can add some over easy eggs to the top of this hash and it is delish! 

With Love and a happy tunny, 


Paleo Breakfast Hash

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