Paleo Cinnamon Sugar Coated Pumpkin Muffins

Just read that title again. And again. How could you not want to eat these? As most of you know, I like to bake on Friday nights and this recipe is one of my most recent escapades through the kitchen. I was waiting for Logan to get home and I just felt like we needed some good ole baked goods to start off our wild weekend! By wild weekend I mean working on the house! Anyway, these were so delish that I decided to put them into the shape of a smiley face!

Happy eating friends! Enjoy another grain free goodie on me! If only we could give calories to other people? I would give them all to Logan because his body is like a black hole where anything that goes in just disappears and doesn’t effect his physique at all…if only we were all so #blessed. I want an 8-pack too! Probably should stop making baked goods…but then I would be leaving you all out in the cold and I would never do that! 

With love and a happy tummy, 


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