Miss Clarke: Week 22
Took Clarke to a Cinco De Mayo party...I honestly don't think it was her favorite! She would rather sit on the couch! haha
How I Feel Physically: I feel pretty great! I worked out 6 times this week! Which makes me feel physically healthy and more like my old self a little bit. Sometimes I miss her (being my pre-pregnancy self) even though I know she will be back. Also: my rib pain is out of control. I know people say it's normal, but I don't feel like mine is. It's pretty severe on my left side...if anyone else has dealt with this, just comment or something. It has been going on since about week 8ish and has progressively gotten worse. I wouldn't find it weird if it was later into the pregnancy. but I'm just curious if this was normal for others? It feels better when I lay down for a bit just an FYI.
How I Feel Mentally: I feel pretty good mentally. My work is going great, I have been on a really productive schedule, and working out also really helps me to focus and keep me on my game. The biggest issue for me is that I just forget everything! haha I can't remember passwords or Logan's phone number haha....pregnancy brain is so real for me! I just laugh about it and have gotten in the habit of writing everything down.
This picture is from the baby shower...but Kel sent me some this week, so I thought I would share!
Happy of the Week: Logan and I met some friends at this new brewery in Ann Arbor called Homes Brewery (if anyone from AA reads this) and it has only been open for a few weeks. It has such a cool aesthetic and Logan and I ended up chatting with the owner for a while and it was cool to hear about his vision and is dreams coming true! Im a sucker for anyone just going for it! The food was awesome and they had a lot of options for vegan and gluten free as well. Also, I watched the first Guardian of the Galaxy movie over the weekend and LOVED it! How did I not know it was that funny and awesome? Now i'm super pumped to see the second one!
CRAVINGS: I honestly didn't have any crazy craving this week. (or at least that I can remember). I have gotten most of the sugar out of the house!! I am pretty proud of myself for not drinking all kinds of sugar this week! A small win in my book!
Things for Clarke: Her Glider came in this week! It is so awesome and comfy and huge! We currently have it in the living room while we prepare her nursery. She is gonna have one really cool place to chill in, that's all I gotta say! I will do a nursery tour whenever we finish it!! Which will be a while, but I'm already really excited about it!
Favorite Dinner: Honestly, i'm just going to share my favorite snack. Because I barely cooked this week and I don't even know why. It was probably the least I have cooked dinner since we have gotten married. Anyway, I visited a new grocery store this week called Plum Market and it was little on the expensive side (even more so than Whole Foods), but I found some awesome products to try and particularly some cookies by Simple Mills. A serving size (which is 3 cookies) only has 5g of sugar! They taste amazing and they have a ton of other products I want to try now. The coolest part about them is that they don't use artificial sugars or other weird ingredients. It is all really healthy! I think i'm officially a fan girl.
Workouts: Guys, i'm going to be real honest. I am kind of proud of myself this week. I worked out a really healthy amount and made an effort to do something 6 days of the week! Not all of the workouts were super hard, but at this point I count doing a workout as a win. Making a conscious effort to keep my body healthy is the goal. I also joined a new gym this week with the hubs, so we got to go the the gym together, which is was really fun! I get a little man candy at the gym now (he will be so embarrassed I said that, but i'm not. haha)
Monday: This was my day off from the gym. I'm not joking with you guys when I tell you I worked from 8AM-10PM. I just put so much on my plate for Monday and didn't realize how much time it would all take. BUT...I got it all finished and I felt pretty proud of myself.
Tuesday: I took a 60 min "brisk" walk which I'm assuming was with my dogs but I didn't write that part down, so I don't remember! haha
Wednesday: I did 30 minutes of Yoga and took the dogs for a 25 min walk
Thursday: I went on a 30 min walk on the treadmill while watching 'Super Girl' on Netflix and did this Bosu Ball workout: First round each exercise 15 reps ( each leg if doing single leg movements) Bosu Squats, Rear Lunges, Side lunges, Glute Bridge, Single leg glue bridge, booty lifts, hamstring pulses, and hydrants. I did another round doing each exercise 10 reps. I was super tired by the end and sweating a ton! I found the workout on Pinterest, because I have found if I don't have a workout written down, then my workouts aren't as efficient.
From our walk on Friday night! The sky was so beautiful and I love taking walks with the whole gang!
Friday: Logan and I took the dogs on a 50 min walk around town before we settled down for the night! The dogs love family walks! haha
Saturday: 30 min walk on the treadmill with Super Girl, and another bosu ball workout: I did 3 sets of these exercises: Push-ups, burpees, cricket climbers, plank jacks, froggers, popovers, squats, squat hoppers, alternating let bridge. I did 10-20 reps of each exercise. This one was great too! I am just enjoying getting my heart rate up. I don't take breaks until I am through the whole round. Just an FYI
Sunday: I did a 2o min treadmill walk, and I lifted back and shoulders for about 30 min. Super setting all of my exercises and focusing on moves that increase strength for better posture. When we got home from the gym, we took the puppies on a 30 min walk!
Thoughts of the Week: I had a really good week! Clarke woke me up in the middle of the night with her kicks which was pretty cool, at least for now! haha I love that I was really diligent with my exercising and being active every day. I have to remind myself that even though my workouts aren't at the calibre they normally are, I am doing workouts that are healthy and appropriate (and that it's not about me)
Weight Gain: I just keep gaining about a pound a week. I'm around 13-14 lbs at this point and I am starting to really be able to tell that my face is getting rounder, which is kind of hard to deal with sometimes, but not all the time. You know. Hormones. Being a woman. Caring about the way you look. Also, not caring because you are going a baby and that the most BA thing ever. So...just all of the thoughts, all of the time! haha
With so much love,
These are the workouts I did. This was Thursday
This was Saturday!