Half way through pregnancy: recap
Nothing Like a sweaty workout selfie to set the tone for this series. I had a great workout that night consisting of burpees, step-ups, rowing, and some bosu ball squats. Not to mention a lot of back work! Im trying to improve my posture and keep strength is my back as I gain weight!
SO....I am going to be completely honest. I have exercised a decent amount during pregnancy. The first trimester I felt so awful, I gave myself some self love and knew that it was important to listen to my body. I averaged 3 days a week of workouts and I tried to take the dogs for a walk a few day a week, but I live in such a frigid state that winter walks were mostly null and void. Because what pregnant person do you know want to take walks in 20 degree weather with two dogs and pick up their poop? NOT ME! Anyway, I found myself doing a lot of circuits from the house for the first 2 months or so. Which worked out well, I am quite the creator of the at home workout, and it isn't too hard for me to give myself a good kick in the butt.
At round 10 weeks or so, I joined Crossfit Dexter! Where I worked out 3 days a week and had fantastic workouts! Other than those three days, I wanted to make sure that I was at least getting a good walk in 2-3 other days a week! So exercise and be active 5-6 days a week total. That is what I decided was healthy for my body. I didn't really have any goals in mind other than just being active and not sedentary the whole day. I loved the fast paced Crossfit workouts and meeting new people is really fun! I made sure to scale back all of the weight I would normally do, and even avoid moments I'm not comfortable with. Even so, I'm not going to lie to you. I had to force myself to go workout. I wasn't enjoying it, I was doing it. But I was dragging myself to the gym. Mentally I didn't feel like myself, which was frustrating to say the least.
Then, about 2-3 weeks ago, something in me changed. I started working with a client who runs ultra marathons. Talking to her and geeking out about races and shoes and all the other fun stuff I love reminded me of how much I LOVE my body and love to exercise. It was like I got smacked on the head and it healed me! I made a goal at that moment. I am training to be a Bad Mother Trucker in that labor and delivery room. I know that sounds really funny. But, everyone always describes labor like running a marathon. Well...I have been there and done that! haha I want to PR in this delivery room! I hope you guys are laughing, because I am. In reality I know that I won't have any control over some things that happen in the delivery room. Heck, the ultra sound tech already told me that Clarke is stubborn, she gets that honest. I am going to look at every workout from here on out as a way to become mentally tough, not only for labor but for those nights I won't sleep, for how hard breast feeding is going to be and all of the above. I will to never stop (trying). I will instill that into my daughter, and she will see it every day from her momma. I know there will be imperfections on this journey and I probably won't be too enthusiastic when I gain 20 more pounds, but here's to my honest journey! I will share my workouts, how I feel, my weight gain, my favorite food of the week. You name it. I want to remember this time, and I love to journal! Im already looking forward to all of the fun things my body will do after I have her, and I can't wait to give her (and her daddy) the biggest kiss when I finish my first ultra as a momma!
*Que Rocky Balboa music! This will be interesting.
With Love,